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You are the expert on yourself and the final authority on what happens as a result of our engagement. I will journey with you to discover and foster your true and unique beauty that has been disfigured and suppressed. I take very seriously the concerns you bring for us to consider together and also believe it is important to try to understand the underlying causes. My goal is to be fully accepting of you and honoring of all you bring.
My approach is eclectic, drawing from what I feel is best in each theory and using what seems a best fit for you.
For good work to be done, we need each other to be fully and honestly engaged as we work together to discover your internal tensions, fears, avoidances, and all that diminishes who you are. I believe healing comes through recognizing and becoming free of those habits of action and thought (conscious and unconscious) that limit and harm you.
Experience and Education
I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in the State of Washington and have my M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
My current fee for service
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